A successful message changes behavior
It’s said: knowledge changes behavior. And one gains knowledge from understanding the message. Alexander creates a compelling message that resonates with your target audience and motivates them to action.
Our message development process is based on sound market intelligence, incorporate the latest messaging techniques, and support your organization’s goals and objectives. We seek first to understand your target audience; then develop concepts—broad and general, using comparatives and not superlatives. Next we develop brief, value-based statements capturing positive concepts that appeal to the target audience. Finally, we link our messages to mutual interests and search for connections with key influencers.
Successful branding reflects your beliefs and values
Alexander provides you with a brand that reflects your organization’s beliefs and values—which evokes emotions, creates associations, and builds loyalty among your audiences. It’s important to define your own image, rather than letting others, such as your competitors, tell the world what you are all about. We create an integrated, cohesive brand that will maintain its visional integrity and consistency through all communications channels.
At Alexander, we are not only concerned about overcoming immediate awareness, image, or preference problems, but we focus on helping you develop long-term customers relationships through a powerful brand.
Networking is communicating the right message
We are all exposed to an abundance of information, but how do you know it’s good information? In today’s ROI-driven environment, it is too risky to base your plans on a vibe you absorb in a meeting, or on anecdotes from colleagues. The landscape is always changing.
Evan how we communicate is constantly changing and, to be effective in the future, you must use social media, social networking, and other new emerging communications techniques to stay ahead of the game. This challenge is great. The use of online technology, a desire to get close to the customer, and an increased use of direct marketing databases has made it essential for your organization to integrate its marketing strategies. The good news is an integrated campaign produces better communications, consistency, and greater impact.
Alexander develops a comprehensive, integrated networking strategy based on sound intelligence. Not only must you consider how you communicate, but who communicates which messages. We help you coordinate all communications channels—mass media advertising, social media, internet, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, packaging, government relations, and others—to deliver clear, consistent, and compelling messages to your target audience.